Inventory number
Numéro principal : AF 11389
Object name/Title
Dénomination : poids (?) ; polissoir cubique (?)
Physical characteristics
Hauteur : 4,55 cm ; Largeur : 4,7 cm ; Epaisseur : 4,25 cm ; Poids : 196,5 g
Materials and techniques
Matériau : dolérite
Acquisition details
ancien fonds
Acquisition date
date de l'inscription sur l'inventaire : 1989
Owned by
Held by
Musée du Louvre, Département des Antiquités égyptiennes
Location of object
Current location
non exposé
- McFarlane, Ann, The Unis Cemetery at Saqqara vol. 1, Warminster, Aris et phillips, (Australian Center for Egyptoloy Reports= ACER; 15), 2000, p. 27 note 87
- Brovarski, Edward J., « Inventory offering Lists and the nomenclature for Boxes and Chests in the old Kingdom », dans Teeter, Emily ; Larson, John A. (dir.), Gold of praise : studies on ancient Egypt in honor of Edward F. Wente, Chicago, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, (Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 52), 1999, p. 27-54, p. 4,5 et 4,11
- Kanawati, Naguib ; Abd el-Raziq, Mahmoud, The Teti Cemetary at Saqqara V: The tomb of Hesi, Australian Centre of Egyptology (=ACER13), 1999, p. 34 note
Last updated on 27.02.2025
The contents of this entry do not necessarily take account of the latest data.
The contents of this entry do not necessarily take account of the latest data.