Inventory number
RF 42256, Verso
Catalog number:
Inventaire italien, t. IV 292Handwritten inventory reference:
vol.31, p.169Collection
Artist/maker / School / Artistic centre
Giovanni Battista Ranieri del PACE
Ecole florentine
(inv. ms.)
(note manuscrite ancienne)
Polidoro da Caravaggio (Polidoro Caldara, dit) (1499 ou 1500-1543)
(Monbeig Goguel, Catherine, 2005)
Ecole florentine
(inv. ms.)
Formerly attributed to:
Ferretti, Giovanni Domenico
(1692-1768)(note manuscrite ancienne)
Polidoro da Caravaggio (Polidoro Caldara, dit) (1499 ou 1500-1543)
Possible attribution:
Giovanni Battista Ranieri del PACE
(1681-1738), attribué à(Monbeig Goguel, Catherine, 2005)
Object name/Title
Etude partielle de deux jambes
Physical characteristics
H. 0,244 m ; L. 0,337 m
Materials and techniques
Sanguine. Annotations à la plume et à l'encre brune, en haut à gauche : 'Polidoro da Caravaggio 4' ; en haut à droite : 'col. Jacquet'.
Object history
Jacquet (annotation au verso) ; J. Fryszman ; achat en 1990 ; marque du Louvre (L.1886a).
Collector / Previous owner / Commissioner / Archaeologist / Dedicatee
Dernière provenance : Fryszman, Jacques et Charlotte
Acquisition details
Acquisition date
Location of object
Current location
Petit format
The artwork can be seen by appointment in the Louvre's Prints and Drawings Study Room.
Last updated on 13.12.2023
The contents of this entry do not necessarily take account of the latest data.
The contents of this entry do not necessarily take account of the latest data.
Full entry on the collection website of the Department of Prints and Drawings: