Inventory number
L 129 LR/17 Recto
Handwritten inventory reference:
vol.9, p.67Collection
Département des Arts graphiques
Collection Edmond de Rothschild
Collection Edmond de Rothschild
Artist/maker / School / Artistic centre
Description de l'album :
Johannes Lichtenberger, ca. 1525
H : 00,251 m
L : 00,180 m
D : 00,010 m
Livre ouvert : 00,362 m
Johannes Lichtenberger, ca. 1525
H : 00,251 m
L : 00,180 m
D : 00,010 m
Livre ouvert : 00,362 m
Places and dates
Collector / Previous owner / Commissioner / Archaeologist / Dedicatee
Dernière provenance : Rothschild, baron Edmond de
Acquisition details
Acquisition date
Location of object
Current location
Réserve Edmond de Rothschild
Dyse Practica vnnd Prenostication ist getruckt worden zu Mentz im MCCCCXCII Jar vnd werdt biß man zelt M.D.LXVII jar : Darinn ain yeder mensch abnemen vnd erkennen mag wie die vergangen zeyt auch yetz die gegenwertig in diser Practica zutrifftt (Liechtenberger Joannes)
L 129 LR
Folio 19
gravé au recto
Dyse Practica vnnd Prenostication ist getruckt worden zu Mentz im MCCCCXCII Jar vnd werdt biß man zelt M.D.LXVII jar : Darinn ain yeder mensch abnemen vnd erkennen mag wie die vergangen zeyt auch yetz die gegenwertig in diser Practica zutrifftt (Liechtenberger Joannes)
L 129 LR
Folio 19
gravé au recto
The artwork can be seen by appointment in the Louvre's Prints and Drawings Study Room.
Last updated on 05.02.2025
The contents of this entry do not necessarily take account of the latest data.
The contents of this entry do not necessarily take account of the latest data.
Full entry on the collection website of the Department of Prints and Drawings: